A Certain Breeder's Blog who started loving Monster Hunter.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Easily catch Seviper in a Zangoose horde

In Pokémon X, wild Seviper can only be found in hordes of Zangoose on Route 8. Because they're mortal enemies, Zangoose and Seviper will ignore your Pokémon and focus on attacking each other. This makes catching Seviper extremely hard because the Zangoose always knock it out within two turns. However, there exists one easy method for catching Seviper.

1. Have a Normal type Pokémon with the move Synchronoise and put it on the first slot. For more information on that move, check this: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Synchronoise

2. Go to Route 8 and use Honey or the move Sweet Scent in the tall grass or flower patch to force a horde encounter. Repeat this step until you find a horde of Zangoose.

3. Use the move Synchronoise and enjoy seeing all the Zangoose faint with the lone Seviper left intact. It's highly likely that some Zangoose will use the move Quick Attack to deal damage to the Seviper but the probably of it fainting is very small.

4. You can now focus on catching the Seviper.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

New “terrain” moves!

Electric Terrain:
- Grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep.
- Powers up Electric attacks of grounded Pokemon.
- Changes Nature Power to Thunderbolt

Misty Terrain:
- Grounded Pokemon are immune to status conditions.
- Halves power of Dragon attacks done to grounded Pokemon.
- Changes Nature Power to Moonblast

Grassy Terrain:
- Grounded Pokemon restore a 1/16th of their max HP per turn.
- Powers up Grass attacks of grounded Pokemon.
- Changes Nature Power to Energy Ball

Grounded means not Flying or under the influence of Levitate/Magnet Rise/Telekinesis. In short, if it can be hit by Earthquake, it will be affected by terrain moves.

Terrains are separate from weather, so they do not overwrite each other. Terrain moves last 5 turns. Terrain moves affect all grounded Pokemon, including enemies.

Get BP in the Battle Maison

Mega Kangaskhan, due to its excellent ability. Run the following moveset:
- Power-Up Punch
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch/Crunch

Lead with Power-Up Punch if you feel safe doing so, then finish with the other moves. Its ability breaks through Substitutes, Focus Sashes, and Sturdy, and doubles up your attack boost from Power-Up Punch. Have team support for things it can't quite handle, like Gengar (immune to all of Kangaskhan’s attacks except Sucker Punch/Crunch. If you chose Sucker Punch, Gengars found in the Maison spam Hypnosis so Sucker Punch will not reliably hit).

Kangaskhan can be found in the shadows in the first room of the Glittering Cave, but it’s super-rare.

Be warned, the AI cheats a fuckton, especially as you build up your streak. If your MegaKhan stops winning, try other exploitable sets such as

Durant - Truant (hordes in Terminus Cave)
- Entrainment

Dugtrio - Arena Trap (Route 13)
- Protect
- Hone Claws
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide/Stone Edge

Lead with Durant, use Entrainment. Switch for Dugtrio. Use Protect on the attacking turns, Hone Claws on the slacking turns until you’re ready to sweep. Not only will this make Dugtrio stronger, but it will help minimize accuracy hax used by the AI. This particular set is only enabled by the AI’s refusal to switch out.

Another Alternative in Super Singles

Starmie (Lead) im half asleep now but the item that boots dmg of super effective moves
Timid (natural cure)
252 SPA 252 Speed
-Ice Beam

Scizor leftovers
Adamant (technician)
252Atk 126Speed 126 Health
-Bullet Punch
-Brick Break
-Swords Dance

Garchomp Focus Sash
Jolly (sand Veil)
252Atk 252Speed
-Fire Fang
-Swords Dance


Other alternatives include any of the top teams from 


Although many of these are specifically geared towards B/W Battle Subway threats, they can work pretty well.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Pokemon X and Y: Final Gambit Shedinja

Esa estrategia volo mi mente... STURDY... con 1 de HP!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

STRONG - WEAK Type Matchup

Otra forma de aprender sobre las ventajas y desventajas de cada pokemon, aparte de la tradicional tabla de resistencias y debilidades es con una tabla de fuerza y debilidad, dependiendo de contra que pokémon me enfrente cambio el que tengo activo y con esto tengo ventaja contra otros nuevos tipos de pokémon, interesante el chart.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Stone Locations

Piedras importantes que necesitaran a lo largo del juego, sacado de la guia para lectura rapida en caso de que se nos olvide al principio:

Where do I find a Dusk stone?
(evolve Duoblade, Lampent, Murkrow, Misdreavus)
- Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Balloon. Getting a Dusk Stone is nowhere near guaranteed, but fast times gives higher chances of getting a Dusk Stone as a reward.  Super Secret Training requires a fully EV’d mon to unlock. http://www.serebii.net/xy/supertraining.shtml
- Talk to the Team Flare member in Laverre. Must be post-game.
Terminus Cave. You will need Rock Smash to get to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alKssPq38Ms (leave annotations on for this video)

...Shiny stone?
(evolve Floette, Togetic, Roselia, Minccino)
Route 12, ride the Skiddoo. Hop over the series of 3 ledges to the east, it will be right there. Also available via Secret Super Training, mission “An Opening of Lightning-Quick Attacks!”

Sun stone?
(evolve Helioptile, Petilil, Cottonee, Sunkern, Gloom -> Bellossom)
Absolute earliest: The shadows in Glittering Cave have a small chance to spawn Solrock, which may have Sun Stones on them. Catch them or use Thief/Covet. Solrock can also be found on Route 8, in shaking areas.
Earliest that doesn’t involve the RNG fucking you over: Give the Intriguing Stone Tierno gives you in Shalour City to the Hiker in the southeast part of town who is “looking for something.”
Next: Route 13. Bring a Ghost-type so you can run from all the Dugtrio and Trapinch.
- Also available via Secret Super Training, mission “Drag Down Hydreigon.”

Other evolution stones?
Many others are also available through Secret Super Training. Completing these minigames faster increases the likelihood of getting a stone. Stones are not guaranteed prizes, it may require multiple tries.http://www.serebii.net/xy/supertraining.shtml

Additional, non-super training locations:
Dawn Stone: Surf on Route 3
Fire Stone/Water Stone/Leaf Stone: Sold at the Stone Emporium in Lumiose, on Vernal Ave.
- Leaf Stone: Route 8
Fire Stone: Route 9
Moon Stone: Steal from wild Lunatone. Lunatone spawns in the same places as Solrock, check the previous question for more info.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Shiny Routes!

Aqui dejo algunas de las mejores rutas para atrapar Shiny Pokemon, en caso de que tengan tiempo extra para irse de caceria.

fuente: AQUI


More Munies!

With an Amulet Coin + Prize Money O-Power level 3 + the move “Happy Hour”, this is how much you get against the Champion. Six times the original amount of 32,640 Pokémon Dollars.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Caceria de Items

Ya que han pasado el juego se daran cuenta que necesitan muchos items, de batalla y hasta piedras para evolucionar, tendran algunos pero necesitaran aun mas, para eso no queda mas que dedicar tiempo a la cacería de items! necesitaran:

  1. Un pokémon que lidere con la habilidad de "COMPOUND EYES" para que el el porcentaje de que aparezca el item suba un poco y ese pokemon debe estar desmayado(fainted).
  2. El segundo pokemon debe tener la habilidad "FRISK" la cual permite ver el item del enemigo y el ataque THIEF para poder quitarselo, obio que el pokemon no puede estar cargando ningun item.
  3. Una vez robado el item, se lo deben quitar al pokemon y continuar la busqueda.
Se puede ir mucho tiempo cazando el item, pero con unos 10 o mas que encuentren yo diria que basta y sobra.
Lo interesante es que cazarlos dentro de la zona safari es mucho mas comodo ya que solo encontraran 3 especies de pokemon repetidamente :D

aca el link donde pueden dar con todos esos items de pokemon XY

Happy Hunting!

About XYFrontier

A blog born from the love of Pokémon XY, I made a lot of breeding so I posted it all here for everyone. I visited Japan and liked it so much I came back to keep posting about games and anime.


Hype Trailer!

Dante Gaming