A Certain Breeder's Blog who started loving Monster Hunter.

Learning Japanese Part 1

I will share the most common resources to learn Japanese for free online, dedication and constancy are needed to deliver good results I've been learning since 2019 at first I just memorized hiragana and katakana, but after the pandemic and some self motivation I decided to go forward and learn the grammar, proper vocabulary and kanjis this is the hard part. And yes part of my reason lo learn japanese for real it's that I bought a ton of Japanese artbooks in Tokyo, like over 40.

Let's go for a different approach first you can't just jump into a pile of books without some proper motivation so read this :
In 2008 some dude called "Jeremy" NamaSensei started his own Youtube channel when Youtube had the 10 minute limit, he was working/living in Japan and spoke japanese so decided to share his knowledge with the world for FREE, his aim was not to make a patreon, become famous or an e-celeb no! he used this videos as a way to release stress/steam for the daily work routine his methods are real and he will give you the motivation you lack when starting a new project or in this case learning a new language.

Now some warning, all his videos are age restricted "but why?" you may ask and I will tell you that he swears and drink as much as he teaches you and that's a lot, so watch the 1st video get used to him disregard the swearing if you don't like it and take only what he is teaching you it's no joke when I tell you that undermining someone it's also a way to encouragement to prove others wrong.

Namasensei Japanese course Playlist

I watched them all in 7 days and my notebook it's almost full, wrote over 50 verbs, adjectives and nouns though by sensei himself along with basic grammar and only after all this I found out that I really learned the solid bases of Japanese and was ready to move on to some advance books, courses or take mock exams, also take this free software japanese learning suite to practice hiragana/katakana/kanji, nothing fancy but it's free and will hep you without annoying you like Duolingo does just open it and check the menus soon you will know how to use it.




I will not make a giga post about this large journey that is learning Japanese, but will post part 2 for those interested later on. 


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About XYFrontier

A blog born from the love of Pokémon XY, I made a lot of breeding so I posted it all here for everyone. I visited Japan and liked it so much I came back to keep posting about games and anime.


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