A Certain Breeder's Blog who started loving Monster Hunter.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Anime Model Sheets

 I have some friends in the field of animation, and drawing and coloring is their daily bread and butter, however when you are starting out you can't help but look for a role model of : How a professional work?.

That is when Settei comes in, this is a huge collection of anime models sheets that are now shared for free and they are dead gorgeous.

Cassete Girl Heroine.
Back in 1984 hungry die hard fans will risk jail to go into anime studios after they finished an animation project just to get their hand on an animation cell or a Character Design Sheet, some even re-sell them to die hard fans those were crazy days were people profited by re-selling drawings that had no value for the studio since the project ended, but now you can have them for FREE by the power of the internet and the people who constantly share.

I really love Nonoriri.

So there you go, look for your favorite artist, studio, anime maybe the cells are there for you to watch, paint, replicate or inspire you, if you can draw and like it go for it but remember:

Settei (character settings/model sheets) are used as reference by animators when creating a new anime series. This collection of settei has been scanned and shared by many generous collectors, by me, or in some cases found online throughout the years.

 See ya next time!



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About XYFrontier

A blog born from the love of Pokémon XY, I made a lot of breeding so I posted it all here for everyone. I visited Japan and liked it so much I came back to keep posting about games and anime.


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