A Certain Breeder's Blog who started loving Monster Hunter.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Monster Hunter Rise V3.0!


Magnamalo in the cover despite not being an elder dragon, what a chad!

I really like Monster Hunter that goes without saying: TRIU, 4U, GEN, GENU each with more than 400 hours of gameplay, MH Rise was not the exception bought it day 1 most people in Europe choose to go digital but not me, I decided to go to the store and there it was.

Started playing the same day and was a lot of stuff to get a fresh start however once you master the weapons and learn the monster's patterns its more like a party than a hunt, the devs made a great job reworking the horn into a more aggressive/flashy weapon than never before I made it my main without noticing, some part of me welcomed the chance from lance and SnS.

Never stop tooting!

The 1st update gave me so much time that I made 2 hunters as always had done, the second is akin to a nuzlocke auto impose restrictions and rushing through the game to the ending. The second update was my favorite Chameleos and Teostra really make deadly weapons and armors the third bring back Valstrax with a crimson flavor the rocket gimmick it very funny.

The most important part of the 3er update for me it's to be able to see the real ending of the story mode, all the monster you fought to protect the people of Kamura village pays off, what more can I say? Kamura it's top comfy and very cozy full of people who truly care for each other and face calamity together I really loved that aspect. By all means I encourage you to play the game.

Do it for them.



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About XYFrontier

A blog born from the love of Pokémon XY, I made a lot of breeding so I posted it all here for everyone. I visited Japan and liked it so much I came back to keep posting about games and anime.


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