A Certain Breeder's Blog who started loving Monster Hunter.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Porter Robinson?

A long time ago 2008 I believe people where learning Japanese with NAMASENSEI, and among those who were learning people say there was ONE GUY named Porter Robinson and no one bat a single eye about this because many more were learning back then... The real surprise came years later in 2016 when he wrote the story of the music of his very own original short animation along with A-1 Studios.

Original Story by: Porter Robinson
Music: Porter Robinson and Madeon

The final product was so high quality that Everyone looked who made this, and there it was Porter! Everyone who had a good memory started to mass congratulate him and hitting the LIKE button like crazy with over 63'000.000 million views I will call this a total success and yes! the Japanese classed helped him along the way!

So please go watch it, rate it and like if (of course). It's very unique and inspiring.


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About XYFrontier

A blog born from the love of Pokémon XY, I made a lot of breeding so I posted it all here for everyone. I visited Japan and liked it so much I came back to keep posting about games and anime.


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